GMAW-S welding method - short-circuit transmission

GMAW-S welding method - short-circuit transmission


The short-circuit transmission of the GMAW method (135) is widely used and you often do not know that the welders have it set up.

The GMAW method has been widely used in the production of pressure vessels. However, many manufacturers deceptively state that they do not use this method and do not realize that ASME and AWS regulations point out this method. Why?

The reason is obvious, especially according to ASME Sec. IX, table QW-451 and paragraph QW-403.10, it is clearly established that for thicknesses less than 13 mm, the qualified thickness ranges are only multiplied by a coefficient of 1.1, and that really reduce the PQR in production.

For the manufacturer, we prepared an extract from the AWS code from table C-3.1, which will help you to orientate better in the set current parameters so you will avoid short-circuit transmission during welding.


poloha svařování 
1G, 2G
poloha svařování 
1G, 2G  
poloha svařování 
3G, 4G  
poloha svařování
 3G, 4G  
průměr drátu 
0,8 mm5015050125
0,9 mm7517575150
1,2 mm100225100175

For the above parameters, the electrode / wire is connected to the positive pole. The values given are typical ranges for the GMAW-S method for steels. Position 1G = PA, 2G = PC, 3G = PG / PF, 4G = PE.