Do you need an ASME certificate for the production of boilers, pressure equipment or pipes? We will prepare you for an ASME audit and provide a contract with an accredited ASME agency!

We have experiences and we actively participate in several ASME non-nuclear and nuclear audits throughout the year. We consider the latest knowledges from ASME team leaders and put them into the system of your company. What to expect from ASME certification? How much preparation and audit costs and how long does it take to prepare?

We will prepare you for ASME certification, price starts from 100 000, - CZK without VAT to the ASME pre-joint review. The ASME audit has two levels and it lasts for 2 days (total is 4 days) and it is carried out in cooperation with the inspection agency HSB.GS. More about certification you find in the "ASME, API and ISO Certification" section. The price for pre-joint review and joint review is included in the detailed offer on request. Contact us at

The following points are part of the system implementation:

  1. we will give you a template of the ASME quality manual,
  2. based on your product range we determine the scope of ASME certificates,
  3. description of the organizational structure and determination of staff responsibilities,
  4. processing of a design and strength calculation according to ASME design codes Sec. I, III, IV, VIII Div. 1, Div. 2, ensuring proper purchase of material, marking and storage (ASME Sec. II),
  5. determination of inspection activities in production and communication with authorized inspector,
  6. qualification of welding procedures and qualification of welders / operators according to ASME Sec. IX,
  7. processing of the NDT procedures according to ASME Sec. V and qualification of personnel according to SNT-TC-1A or ISO 9712, if the code permits,
  8. carrying out heat treatment according to the construction design,
  9. control of gauges and calibration,
  10. solving non-conformities (NCRs),
  11. pressure test,
  12. help with activities in connection with Field Site,
  13. production of a dem-vessel which is subject of ASME audit.

All the activities listed above are evaluated during the ASME audit and the time required for preparation depends on your preparation and cooperation during the consultations. The preparation for the audit can last from 3 months (intensive cooperation with the authorized inspector during preparations) up to 12 months. For more information, visit

Benefits for ASME certificate holders:

  • the audit takes place every three years and during this period there are no surveillance audits, as it is in ISO systems
  • personnel qualification is considerably simpler and does not usually require special training with external certification organisation, except NDT
  • ASME regulations are known worldwide and are recognized in many other states outside the US and Canada
  • ASME regulations are well-aranged and easier for manufacturers
  • ASME is constantly expanding the list of approved European materials
  • Production supervision is usually provided by one authorized inspector who must accomplish high qualification requirements at the National Board in the USA. This qualification is incomparable to that one of the notified bodies under the PED regulations 
  • better position on the market than competitors without the certificate

Consultations usually last all-day (min. 8 hours) to two days. One day of consultations starts from 10 000, - CZK without VAT and is carried out by an authorized inspector.



We provide customer support on a monthly fee base. Do you have non-stamped orders and without ASME certification?

Consulting includes complex services related to the performance of an authorized inspector according to ASME. Our company provides these services to non-certified companies if you implement or offer your clients ASME / API pressure equipment or steel structures in accordance with AWS D1.1. These are services provided on the basis of a monthly fee.

What are the advantages of this cooperation?

  • constant contact with the authorized inspector,
  • help with solution of tender documentation,
  • consultations during purchasing the proper materials as required by the codes,
  • consultations within qualification of welding procedures PQR and WPS according to ASME Sec. IX or AWS D1.1
  • control and consultation of NDT procedures according to ASME Sec. IN,
  • control of production and consultation of technological procedures according to the requirements of the code,
  • preparation for ASME certification,2 hours of free consultations per month, which are carried over to the following months (max. 8 hours are transferred to other periods).

Monthly fee is 5000,- CZK without VAT, the minimum duration of the contract is 12 months.

Do you need more information? Contact us and we will come to visit you and tell you more about ASME and AWS philosophy.



Inspection and supervision activities in production or shop in a field for clients looking for local inspectors qualified according to ASME, NBIC, AWS, API

Are you looking for local qualified and experienced inspectors to supervise the production or shop in field of large investment units such as power plants, incinerators, chemical plants, etc.?

Our company is able to provide personnel with experience in the following activities:

  • preparation and assessment documentation for quality assurance in production or assembly (inspection plans),
  • receipt and storage of materials,
  • production control based on approved drawings for production or assembly
  • control of working and technological processes in production and assembly (machining, welding, soldering, plastic welding, heat treatment),
  • supervision of NDT testing and inspection of NDT procedures, especially for RT including control of films, UT, MT, PT and other methods,
  • supervision of destructive testing of materials (bending impact tests, bending and tensile tests, drop weight test, hardness testing, etc.),
  • supervision of pressure tests, calibration of equipment,
  • inspection of painting, packaging, loading and transport,
  • control of final documentation and certification of equipment or construction.

Thanks to long-term and foreign experience in realization of important orders, especially in the energy sector, we can provide you all of the above activities or just some of them with maximum deployment and support from our highly qualified or experienced staff.

On request we offer representation of individual workers on long-term projects.

OHSAS Services

OHSAS Services

Are you looking for outsorrcing of OHSAS in your field or shop? We have more than 20 Years experience in heavy industry, chemical and automotive industry.

Occupational health and safety protection and fire protection are areas that are an integral and permanent part of modern business management. The number regulations is constantly growing, it represents a significant burden for employers and, as in other cases, OSH and FP are increasingly implemented in the form of outsourcing, ie external, professionally qualified supplier. This does not mean, of course, that the employer is totally relieved of their duties, it is not legally possible, but it will significantly increase the certainty that this very important area of ​​management is helped by a team of experienced specialists.

Heinrich Innovation offers these services to many smaller but also significant entities as one-off consultations, periodic training or complex services.

As health protection is also closely related to environmental protection, we also deal with waste management, prevention of major accidents, environmental risk assessment and other other synergistic processes.